Circle Studio is proud to announce our latest project with NEX10 Labs, a Web 3.0 company, focused on building for the next generation!
Uninterested Unicorns (U_U) NFT Project is inspired by Unicorns breaking out of the typical “Cute and Magical” stereotype after living a life of peace, friendship, and predictability. Years passed, Unicorns sought to find something new, something more…dangerous. The society of unicorns had divided into different clans, each clan asserting dominance in one domain: fire, water, air, and earth.
As clans indulged themselves in the norms of fights and conflicts, certain clans found themselves more invested in fighting each other rather than fighting for resources. Viewing each other as competition, delighted in finding new ways to extract the power of other unicorns for themselves, stripping some of the light found in all unicorns. This led to victims becoming increasingly darker, while the thieves became increasingly purer, creating two new clans: the darks and the pures. After decades of feuds and narcissism, the current generation of clans consists of Uninterested Unicorns, for what once brought passion, skill and reward is now met with a quick judgmental glance and a shrug.
The unicorns later seclude themselves in the Grand Valley, giving birth to the generation of Uninterested Unicorns today, who only sought to be their free, uninterested selves without the whining of the other members of the Metaverse.

Launched in September 2021, U_U ‘s public sale sold out in 10 minutes, generating over 1 million USD / 307 Ethereum! With the success of their project, they are currently developing a metaverse game which grants U_U and other partnered NFT holders a shared experience like no other.
The game will be focused on rewarding player effort and skill by creating a more fair and equitable Play & Earn ecosystem. In addition, providing scalable game utility to all NFTs, bringing gaming capabilities to any existing PFP NFTs – especially those not on any gaming platforms.
To watch the Trailer made by Circle Studio for U_U project, please visit Project EV: U_U here.
To learn more about U_U’S latest blockchain game, visit Uninterested Unicorns : Whitepaper Deck (
Launched in September 2021, U_U ‘s public sale sold out in 10 minutes, generating over 1 million USD / 307 Ethereum! With the success of their project, they are currently developing a metaverse game which grants U_U and other partnered NFT holders a shared experience like no other.
The game will be focused on rewarding player effort and skill by creating a more fair and equitable Play & Earn ecosystem. In addition, providing scalable game utility to all NFTs, bringing gaming capabilities to any existing PFP NFTs – especially those not on any gaming platforms.
To watch the Trailer made by Circle Studio for U_U project, please visit Project EV: U_U here.
To learn more about U_U’S latest blockchain game, visit Uninterested Unicorns :
Whitepaper Deck